University of Tasmania / Aboriginal Employment Plan
The inspiration behind these works, like all of my creations are the intricate details in Country.
Country creates opportunity, not only for the blackfella but for the whitefella too. Country is what the University of Tasmania sits on, creating opportunities for all. The four pieces I am submitting for consideration represent my connection to Country and the relationship I have with both coastal Country and inland Country.
The University has sites on both coastal and inland country and these institutions create opportunities for our mob, just as country does. These opportunities are both apparent and not-so-much, particularly for our mob who often have preconceived perceptions of these institutes.
This series of works has been commissioned by the University of Tasmania for use in their Aboriginal Employment Plan (PDF) as well as Graduate, Internship and Cadetship promotional materials.
Black Crows, Digital Illustration 2020
milaythina lunawuna, Digital Illustration 2020
kunanyi Gums, Digital Illustration 2020
Silver Wattle, Digital Illustration 2020